The Wilderness Life Support for Medical Professionals, or WLS: MP, was developed by AdventureMed LLC, whom we partner with and provide the course material. Courses are designed to apply pre-existing medical knowledge to the outdoors. This program is appropriate for any medical professional, including but not limited to EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Physicians. Anyone interested in using their medical training in an austere setting is welcome. Training is done in a relaxed basecamp environment utilizing Socratic discussion, around a campfire. We prefer an active exchange of knowledge and didactic information. PowerPoint use is extremely limited, with didactics followed by hands-on practicals utilizing high-fidelity simulation (live standardized patients in realistic moulage).
This course covers a wide range of medical, environmental, and traumatic conditions in an austere setting. From high altitude injuries, envenomation, and heat/cold injuries, to dive medicine, and much more.
All medical professional courses are eligible for 21.25 ACCME Cat. 1 CME credits and 24.5 ANCC CNE as well as FAWM credit. Upon completing our Wilderness Life Support for Medical Professionals course, students will earn a WLS: MP certification, valid for four years.
Sample Itinerary
830 Welcome, sign in, safety brief
900 Patient Assessment
930 Heat/cold injuries
1030 Avalanche
1100 Lunch
1200 Medical illnesses
1300 Dive Medicine
1400 Break
1415 Wound Management
1515 Skills stations
Patient Assessment
C-Spine & moving injured
Dislocations, fractures/splinting
Patient packaging/Hypothermia Wrap
1630 Prolonged Casualty Care/Nursing care
1730 End of day one
800 Medical Kits
830 Water Treatment
900 Infectious Diseases
1000 Bites and Stings
1100 Lunch On own
1230 Drowning
1315 Altitude
1330 Break
1345 Lightning
1430 Practice Scenarios
1700 End of day
900 Nursing care/Prolonged casualty care
1000 Foot care
1030 Musculoskeletal injuries
1130 Lunch
1230 Open Discussion
1300 Testing Scenarios
1500 Written Exam
1600 End of course
Note Prolonged casualty care is not part of the WLS: MP curriculum and is provided by Crossed Arrows Training Site as an additional aspect of care in austere environments. No testing of this material will be given.
All materials will be provided
Physicians -(21.25 CME) $750.00
Non-Physicians - $550.00
I apologize that there are two separate events you have to look at and choose, appearantly GoDaddy can't figure out multiple amounts for the same event...please pick the one that is for you!
Includes course, books, training material
What to bring